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Safeguarding Policy





Our vision

The vision/purpose of the church is to show the love of Jesus Christ in both word and deed and to bring people into a closer relationship with him as living Lord, including by proclaiming and communicating the message of ‘Peace to the City’.
The church fulfils this vision/purpose in a variety of ways, including:
- having a programme of activities with children and adults at risk
- welcoming children and adults at risk into the life of our community
- making our premises available to organisations working with children and adults at risk

Our safeguarding responsibilities

The church recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding all children and young people under the age of 18 and adults at risk regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability.
As members of this church we affirm the value we place on children and adults at risk.  We want our church to be a welcoming place where children and adults at risk feel happy and secure, and where they can grow in faith.  We commit ourselves to nurturing, protecting and safeguarding all children and adults at risk associated with the church and will pray for them regularly.
In pursuit of this we commit ourselves to this policy and to the development of sound procedures to ensure we implement our policy well.

Prevention and reporting of abuse

It is the duty of each church member and each member of the wider church family to help prevent the physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual abuse of children and adults at risk and the duty of all to respond to concerns about the well-being of children and adults at risk. Any abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected will be reported in accordance with our procedures.  The church will fully co-operate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with the church.

Safer recruitment, support and supervision of workers

The church will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with children and adults at risk, whether paid or voluntary.  All workers will be provided with appropriate training, support and supervision to promote the safeguarding of children and adults at risk.

Respecting children and adults at risk

The church will adopt a code of behaviour for all who are appointed to work with children and adults at risk so that all children and adults are shown the respect that is due to them.

Safer working practices

The church is committed to providing an environment that is as safe as possible for children and adults at risk. We will adopt ways of working with them that promote their safety and well-being. In addition, we will take steps to ensure that all groups using our premises adhere to safer working practices.

A safer community

The church is committed to the prevention of bullying.  The church will seek to ensure that the behaviour of any who may pose a risk to children and adults at risk in the community of the church is managed appropriately.

Putting our policy into practice

A copy of this policy statement will be displayed permanently on the notice board at the rear of the main church sanctuary, and is available on the Church website.
Each worker, whether paid or voluntary, will be given a full copy of the policy and procedures and will be asked to sign to confirm that they will follow them.
A full copy of the policy and procedures will be made available on request to any member of, or other person associated with, the church.
The policy and procedures will be monitored and reviewed annually and updated as required. The Safeguarding Trustee will be responsible for this, working in conjunction with the Designated Person for Safeguarding.  A report on the outcome of the annual review will be presented to the church meeting annually in September with discussion of any relevant items.

Safeguarding contact points within our church

The church has appointed the following individuals to form part of the church safeguarding team:

Marion Fiddes, Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS)

She will advise the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected.

Susan Grote, Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding (DDPS)

She will assist the Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS) in helping the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected.

Myra Blyth, Safeguarding Trustee

She will raise the profile of safeguarding within the church and oversee and monitor the implementation of the safeguarding policy and procedures on behalf of the church trustees.

The Diaconate will review the Safeguarding policy and procedures annually.

Our church minister is also an important part of the Church Safeguarding Team.  Where possible, the Church Safeguarding Team will work together if and when issues arise. However, each person has a responsibility to report allegations of abuse as soon as they are raised.

Revised Jan 2025

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

This church welcomes you!


church front red - Copy

Who are we?

  • All ages, different backgrounds
  • A mix; visitors, new church members, some with lifetime experience
  • An informal church, accepting people as they are

Coming to a 10.30am Sunday service

  • For directions please see the directions page
  • Aim to turn up around 10.25 a.m. (but sometimes we’re late too!)
  • You’ll be met at the door by a friendly face
  • We are a friendly bunch, if you’re unsure of something, please ask!
  • Feel free to be who you are, not someone you aren’t!

What to expect

Our aim: whether you’re looking at Christianity for the first time or have been a Christian for many years,
we want you to be encouraged and inspired by a morning with us.
We hope we will all draw closer to God as a result.

Here’s a quick summary:

  • We start at 10.30am with a few notices of coming events, followed by silent reflection
  • The service lasts until about 11.30am
  • Our worship blends Bible reading and prayer with traditional hymns and modern songs
  • Everyone can participate in the worship
  • The average size of our congregation on a Sunday morning is around 30 people
  • At 11am young people go to their own group. The church implements a strong Safeguarding policy
  • We have a talk from the bible that is relevant and meaningful to our lives
  • We share in communion together as part of the service (first and third Sundays); all are welcome to participate
  • After our service tea and coffee are served; some services are followed by a lunch
A&S sunday 25092017

What we believe

We are a Christian church and believe all can have relationship with God.
We believe this can happen because of Jesus, who invites us to follow him.

Is it just Sundays?

Absolutely not! God is with us all week long and we aim to lead lives that show it. We’re not perfect and we do make mistakes, but we want to make a positive difference in everything we do.

For those with disabilities

We aim to be an all-inclusive church and to meet the needs of all who use our building.
Our premises are accessible for those with disabilities. We have a loop for the hearing impaired.
For disabled parking or for other specific needs please contact the church office

Celebrating Marriage

If you would like to be wedded through a Christian marriage service, please contact our minister for a conversation. The church is registered both for the marriage of a man and a woman, and for same-sex marriage.