Churches Together in Central Oxford

City Centre Churches are part of CTCO; representatives of each church meet together three times a year to plan events and responses to issues.
Central Churches Quartet
This church has a special relationship with three other churches in the centre: Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, St Columba’s United Reformed Church, St Michael at the North Gate Church. These churches regularly share services and plan joint events as well as meeting to talk about our shared response to Justice and Peace issues.
Baptist Union of Great Britain
The church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Click on the links to read more about the Union, and to find the latest publications
Baptist Union Website
Baptist Union Faith and Society Team Monthly update March 2025
Baptist Times News Round up March 2025
Baptist Union Support Services Team Monthly Update March 2025
The latest edition of Baptists Together magazine, is available here:
Baptists Together Autumn 2024
This link will take you to news on the Baptists Together Online Shop for books and resource materials
Baptists Together Online Shop
Southern Counties Baptist Association

The Baptist Union is divided into thirteen regions. This church is part of the Southern Counties Baptist Association. SCBA is a family of about 150 Baptist Churches spread throughout Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Dorset and Berkshire.
BMS World Mission

BMS World Mission is a Baptist missionary organisation undertaking holistic work across the world, which the church supports with money and prayer.
BMS World Mission is working with churches in Poland who are supporting refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. To find out more and to donate to their appeal visit the website:
Student Christian Movement
We are also an SCM affiliated church, and work with SCM Oxford to host exciting student events..
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS)

OWNS is a registered charity run by a number of churches in central Oxford to provide shelter for rough sleepers, both men and women, during the winter period in central Oxford, The OWNS day centre, The Living Room is now open - see our latest news page for more details. To learn more about our work with OWNS and the recent annual report click here.
Regent’s Park College:

Regent’s Park College is a Baptist College in the centre of Oxford, and is one of the 44 Colleges and Halls of the University of Oxford:
The Mint House:

The church is an active partner in the Mint House, Oxford’s centre for restorative practice :
Baptist World Alliance (BWA):

Networking the Baptist Family to Impact the World for Christ
Baptist Peace Fellowship
The BPF aims to provide a fellowship for Baptists who find that the use of military force cannot be reconciled with the teaching of Jesus Christ and His acceptance of the Cross.
Christian Aid

Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.
The Gatehouse
An Oxford-based charity providing food, shelter and company to Oxford’s homeless and poorly housed population.
Teach a Child – Africa

'Teach a Child – Africa’ enables orphaned and other vulnerable children from areas with a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS to attend secondary school.
The church also hosts numerous community groups throughout the week.